The Forum currently meets bi-monthly on Saturdays between 4-6 PM via zoom.

The Forum’s theme for the 2023-2024 study year is “The Clinic of Desire”. 

To engage with this theme, we are currently reading section 5 of “The Direction of the Treatment and the Principles of Its Power“, entitled: ‘Desire Must be Taken Literally’ (Ecrits, pp 518-537).

The dates and reading sections are as follows:

  • 17.02.24 (section 14)
  • 02.03.24 (section 15)
  • 16.03.24 (section 16)
  • 13.04.24 (section 17)
  • 27.04.24 (sections 18&19)
  • 11.05.24 – Conclusion meeting of the text ‘Direction of the Treatment and the Principles of Its Power“, in hybrid format

From 25.05.24 we will meet bi-monthly to read “Subversion of the subject and dialectic of Desire” and the graph of desire

Subsequently, we will be reading the following texts to continue our work on the theme of Desire:

  • Lacan’s Seminar XI: “The Four Fundamental Concepts” (chapters on the desire of the analyst)
  • The Post-face of Seminar XI: “The Four Fundamental Concepts”. 

Other activities:

School space meetings discussing Lacan’s Proposition of 9 October 1967 on the Psychoanalyst of the School.

Reading of Colette Soler Seminar: “Towards Identity in the psychoanalytic Encounter”. Facilitated by Dr. Daphne Tamarin, A.M.E & Member of the Forum of London.


“Anxiety, not without the Real” – an international cartel with colleagues from the Forums of Barcelona, Paris, Madrid and London beginning from January 2024.

“Towards Identity in the Psychoanalytic Encounter” an international translation cartel of Vers l’indentité, Colette Soler’s 2014-2015 seminar at the Collège clinique de Paris.

This text has now been published by Routledge (22 December 2023), and is available here: https://www.routledge.com/Towards-Identity-in-the-Psychoanalytic-Encounter-A-Lacanian-Perspective/Soler-Degril-Germanos-Kirkman-Simiu-Tamarin/p/book/9780367342036

If you would like to join our activities please contact us on forumoflondon@gmail.com.

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