Colette Soler In London

presenting her recently translated book

Towards Identity in the Psychoanalytic Encounter

Forum of London

Saturday 5th October 2024 | 5:30 – 7 pm (GMT) Followed by a Book Sale
Birkbeck, University of London
(Room B36)

For tickets to attend in person, please visit:

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Towards Identity in the Psychoanalytic Encounter addresses the theme of identification and identity in the psychoanalytic clinic as elaborated by Jacques Lacan over the course of his teaching.

In psychoanalysis, the subject who is summoned “to speak himself”, is by definition lacking in identity. His question is “What am I?” but, as he is only represented by his words, his being is “always elsewhere”, within other words that are yet to come. Thus, a paradox: one seeks via speech the identity of a being who, through his speech, is not identifiable. Yet the fact remains, he has a body, and he is riveted to sufferings that psychoanalysis, from Freud to Lacan, identified, which are not accidental, which we call repetition and symptom, and which shift the question of identity because a One, real, is at play in them.

Towards Identity in the Psychoanalytic Encounter will be key reading for the study and research of Lacanian psychoanalysis and all practitioners interested in Lacan’s teaching, as well as other discourses such as philosophy, art, literature, and history.

Colette Soler practices and teaches psychoanalysis in Paris. She holds an agrégation in philosophy and a doctorate in psychology. It was her encounter with the teaching and person of Jacques Lacan that led her to choose psychoanalysis. She was a member of the École Freudienne de Paris and, following its dissolution, became the Director of the École de la Cause Freudienne, after which she was at the forefront of the movement of the International of the Forums and its School of Psychoanalysis. She is a member of the Forum of London since 2021.

Upcoming – Monthly Reading of Colette Soler Seminar: “Towards Identity in the Psychoanalytic Encounter”

Facilitated by Dr. Daphne Tamarin, A.M.E & Members of the Forum of London.

Date and Time to be confirmed.

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Publication of English translation of Colette Soler’s Humanisation? seminar

The Lacanian Forum of London is pleased to announce that the English translation of Humanisation? Psychoanalysis, Symbolisation, and the Body of the Unconscious by Colette Soler will be published by Routledge on June 27th 2018. This translation, by Benjamin Farrow and Hugues D’Alascio, was conceived, organised and proof-read by members of the Lacanian Forum of London. Humanisation? is the 2013–2014 volume of the annual seminar held by the Colette Soler at the Clinical College of the Lacanian Field in Paris.

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Seminar with Leonardo Rodriguez

The Forum of London is delighted to welcome
Dr. Leonardo Rodriguez

Interpretation and the Real, the Transference, Working with Psychotic Patients and the End of Analysis

The seminar will take place at
18 Ludlow Way, London, N2 0LA, on Sunday 10th July between 10.00 am and 2.00 pm with the participation of members of the Forum of London.

Dr. Leonardo Rodriguez is an internationally well-known colleague from the Forum of Melbourne and psychoanalyst member of the School IF-SPFLF.

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Radu Turcanu: Phobia as Turning Point in Clinical Practice

The Forum of London announces guest

 Radu Turcanu, psychoanalyst in Paris, member of EPFCL

Saturday, April 2, 2016

2:30 – 4:30 pm Lecture: Phobia as Turning Point in Clinical Practice

5:00-6:30 pm Clinical Workshop:

Two Case Studies with Children: Psychotherapy/Psychoanalysis

7:00 – 8:30 pm Debate (with the members of the London Forum):

The School of Psychoanalysis from a Lacanian Perspective

18 Ludlow Way, London. N2 OLA.

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Seminar with Pedro Arévalo


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Some useful texts on the question of the Pass and the End of Analysis:

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Dr Gabriel Lombardi: Versions of the unconscious in Lacan – London 23rd November 2015

Dr Gabriel Lombardi
Dr Gabriel Lombardi

Versions of the unconscious in Lacan

Dr Gabriel Lombardi

23 November 2015 6-8 pm

October Gallery 24 Old Gloucester Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 3AL


Freud’s discovery and the technique he invented showed us that the unconscious has precise laws of composition and can be deciphered. But, as Freud himself admitted, deciphering has no limit and therefore neither does psychoanalytic treatment. Lacan never stopped looking for what could put an end to the endless deciphering, and this is what brought him to go beyond his scheme of the objet petit a to the end of analysis via the Real.

What is the Real at stake in psychoanalysis? The Real of the impossible to say? The impossible to write of the non-sexual relation? The unbearable Real of the symptom? What are the implications of this conception of the unconscious, and can these elaborations make it possible to determine the end in analysis?

Dr Lombardi is a Psychoanalyst Member of the School of Psychoanalysis of the Lacanian Field.

Dr Lombardi is also a leading figure in psychoanalysis in Argentina where he is a Chair at University of Buenos Aires and Professor of Clinic with Adults as well as directing the mental health service of Clinic with Adults there. He has practiced psychoanalysis for over 25 years in Argentina and travelled around the world delivering talks and presentations.

Tickets £10, places limited



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Dr Leonardo Rodriguez

The Forum of London is delighted to welcome
Dr. Leonardo Rodriguez

The place of Interpretation in Psychoanalysis and its relation to the Symptom and the concept of Naming

Reading Lacan, J. (1973) L’étourdit.
Unpublished transcript.

The afternoon seminar will take place in
18 Ludlow Way, London, N2 0LA, on Sunday 15th November between 13.00-20.00 pm (meal included) with the participation of members of the Forum of London.

Dr. Leonardo Rodriguez is an internationally well-known colleague from the Forum of Melbourne and psychoanalyst member of the School IF-SPFLF.

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