The School

Lacan drawing

The concept of a school of psychoanalysis was invented by Lacan and the School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field (SPFLF), has the same aims as the original School of Lacan:

  • The maintenance of the elaboration and the transmission of psychoanalysis
  • The examination of the foundations of psychoanalysis
  • The formation of analysts
  • The guarantee of their qualifications and the quality of their practice

The SPFLF awards the title of Analyst Member of the School (AME) for practitioners and Analyst of the School for analysts who have successfully negotiated the pass. The aims and orientation of the SPFLF are based upon Lacan’s foundational texts:

  • The Act of Foundation of the École freudienne de Paris (1964)
  • The Proposition of 9 October 1967 on the psychoanalyst of the School
  • The Discourse to the École freudienne de Paris delivered in 1967 and published in 1970
  • The Note to the Italians (1973)
  • The 1980 texts about the dissolution of the EFP
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